Friday, February 13, 2015


       Nearing the end of my senior year is pretty bitter sweet. On one hand I'm very excited to finally be done and able to move on to the next chapter of my life. But on the other, I'm nervous that soon I will be out on my own and having to support myself. High school gives you memories that you will never forget, whether they are good ones or bad.
            When I look back on the last three and a half years I spent at ISNHS, there are many life lessons I have learned and experienced that come to mind, such as being myself, taking responsibility, making decisions, and planning for my future. For this fourth quarter, I have been really busy because of the projects and other requirements that we need to submit. Still I do my best to manage my time for everything. Another knowledge have gain in my mind and that’s because of our lessons for this fourth quarter. The lessons and topics to gain more information and also knowledge especially in ICT. We encounter again the Adobe Photoshop and we have done some activities to be able to know the use of some of the tools and we have also post in our Blogs. All the lessons that I’ve learned had really help me and also will help in the new chapter of my life.
            High school life is really fun. There are so many happenings in your life that you will never forget, so many things that had changed your life. For me there are many things in my life that changed a lot in me but I can say that the one that had changed me the most is my being a 4th year high school student. I don’t know why, but I really learned a lot in this part of my life. There are also some good effects of me being a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year high school student, but being a fourth year student is really different. It’s different from my other past experiences.

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