Monday, February 9, 2015


            Dream is something that all of us need to have. It is our vision. Dream is what you want to do for your future. I believe that having a great dream, is a must to us. And I have a bid dream.
            Currently I am a fourth year high school student. I do my best to keep my grades up, because I know that they will help me into my college life. My dream is to be a successful Engineer. I know it is not simple at all. But I know I can achieve it. I feel like this is my destiny. That is why I came to this world. I do not know when or how I am going to achieve this. But it will not be easy. I am constantly studying in school right now. I cannot give up even if I fail. There is a saying that failure is the greatest teacher. I know in order to pursue my dream, I will face failure. This cannot be stopped. Even Albert Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton faced failure when they are trying to create a great formula that is remained to be used till today.

            Like I said before, it is very important to have a big dream. It is not wrong. Even though you cannot, just make it as your vision. Dream can help you to prepare to face this challenging world. What am I going through now is just the start. I just find the keys. I am still trying to open the door. When I finally did, I will not hesitate.

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