Friday, February 13, 2015


       Nearing the end of my senior year is pretty bitter sweet. On one hand I'm very excited to finally be done and able to move on to the next chapter of my life. But on the other, I'm nervous that soon I will be out on my own and having to support myself. High school gives you memories that you will never forget, whether they are good ones or bad.
            When I look back on the last three and a half years I spent at ISNHS, there are many life lessons I have learned and experienced that come to mind, such as being myself, taking responsibility, making decisions, and planning for my future. For this fourth quarter, I have been really busy because of the projects and other requirements that we need to submit. Still I do my best to manage my time for everything. Another knowledge have gain in my mind and that’s because of our lessons for this fourth quarter. The lessons and topics to gain more information and also knowledge especially in ICT. We encounter again the Adobe Photoshop and we have done some activities to be able to know the use of some of the tools and we have also post in our Blogs. All the lessons that I’ve learned had really help me and also will help in the new chapter of my life.
            High school life is really fun. There are so many happenings in your life that you will never forget, so many things that had changed your life. For me there are many things in my life that changed a lot in me but I can say that the one that had changed me the most is my being a 4th year high school student. I don’t know why, but I really learned a lot in this part of my life. There are also some good effects of me being a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year high school student, but being a fourth year student is really different. It’s different from my other past experiences.

Monday, February 9, 2015


            Dream is something that all of us need to have. It is our vision. Dream is what you want to do for your future. I believe that having a great dream, is a must to us. And I have a bid dream.
            Currently I am a fourth year high school student. I do my best to keep my grades up, because I know that they will help me into my college life. My dream is to be a successful Engineer. I know it is not simple at all. But I know I can achieve it. I feel like this is my destiny. That is why I came to this world. I do not know when or how I am going to achieve this. But it will not be easy. I am constantly studying in school right now. I cannot give up even if I fail. There is a saying that failure is the greatest teacher. I know in order to pursue my dream, I will face failure. This cannot be stopped. Even Albert Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton faced failure when they are trying to create a great formula that is remained to be used till today.

            Like I said before, it is very important to have a big dream. It is not wrong. Even though you cannot, just make it as your vision. Dream can help you to prepare to face this challenging world. What am I going through now is just the start. I just find the keys. I am still trying to open the door. When I finally did, I will not hesitate.

CHANGE:It starts with Me

Changing is a quality intrinsic to human-being. Although several people usually never change their habits, they learn and change in other aspects. In my view, life changes in every step we make. All in all, we can look forward to new experiences in many different ways. Some people enjoy change, and they look forward to new experiences.
            Since I am an adult, I can see that every little step I did in my life changes me. Since I was a child I learn that every bad experience you suffer teaches you something, a moral advice which you take inside of you. Until now, as a student, improving my skills is on important activity to live new experiences. Everything I learn will teach me more about myself about how fast I learn or how much time I spend to learn a lesson. There are times that there are things that I couldn’t understand but I never give up and I improved my understanding about those things, so I know that I can learn from it and that I never give up.
            To sum up, every little experience changes your habits and your personality. So it is difficult to be always the same and do not learn anything from your experiences. I learned to never give up and try even if I fall in the middle of the way.

Sunday, February 8, 2015


      Have you ever been to the province of Ilocos Sur and be a part of its Kannawidan Festival? If not, then try to visit the heart of Ilocos Sur, Vigan, where the celebration takes place every after Vigan City Fiesta, usually on the first week of February.
            This year, Ilocos Sur celebrates its eight Kannawidan Festival, from January 29 to February 8, Febraury 13. The festival features the rich culture of the province. It also showcases the different agriculture and industry products by the different municipalities through its trade fair. There were also various contests participated by men and women. Invited artists of major TV networks were scheduled each night in their appearance and shows. The highlight of this festival was the Saniata ti Ilocos Sur, a pageant contest, with candidates coming from the different towns of Ilocos Sur. The festivity aims to preserve the province’ rich cultural heritage. It is also a way Ilocos Sur be known by tourists and Filipinos for them to visit the province. Ilocanos are in their way towards productivity and economic upturn.

            This celebration is not just about over-flowing foods, expensive things and countless number of visitors. It is about how you remember the one who is being praised for your festive and for us to be still united and to keep a good relationship with others.

Sunday, January 11, 2015


               We can never regret that our life is changing, have change or changed. One of the reasons of this is the technology. The technology shows the beauty of life, give life to the things around us and fulfil some of our knowledge. We are all aware of the bad effects of technology in our life but still we can avoid it if we know how to use it wisely. As a student, technology becomes part of my life especially in our ICT subject.
            Days passed so fast and another quarter was done again and now we’re going again to the next or the last quarter of our senior life. Well, every quarter I’ve learned a lot in each subject especially in our ICT subject. For this third quarter I’ve learned more about Web Page. I learned how to link an html file to another html file. For each activity, I was challenged if I can do it successfully. Sometimes, nothing appears but I review it and found the mistake so I changed it and finally it was successful. We still post in our Blog and I love posting in it. I can express my insights or reflection with the given topic.
            Moving on, I hope I will be able to finish all my activities and posts all the given topics given. I believe in myself that I can do everything. I will do it and I must do it because it’s for my own good and for the improvement of my study.

New Year, New Life

Goodbye 2014 and hello 2015. All the events that took place into my life in the year 2014 are now just memories, whether it was good or bad, happy or sad. As days go by and the clock ticks before the midnight of December 31st 2014 my mind starts to think of the past realizing what have I done right nor wrong to my life? Looking back at the times where I, my family and relatives were having a lovely evening as we wait for the New Year. I missed all the warm hugs, smile, laugh, love, and happiness especially during this time of the year and it is priceless.
My life have move forward for the betterment of my future which is guided by my dreams, goals and wishes. In this year of 2015 my goal to myself to do what is necessary to be done for the betterment of my future. I'll try to go on a diet for a healthy lifestyle, to focus more on to my priorities such as my study, be more responsible as a young woman, and specially to pay more attention to my family and also to my best true friends. I would like to change for the better. Another book of my life has started and I hope I would be able to reach again the page 365 of this story of my life. I hope more good things and more blessing would come to my life this year.
From my past experience I have learned a lot of things especially in the aspects of life itself, which made me realized to be responsible. That is why I came up with ideas which are now made into my goals. My family, relatives and my best true friends are my inspiration and with the guidance of the Lord I believe that I can make things happen. Focus on my studies and having my family so closely together again. All I need is luck, happiness, peace, friendship and love.

Christmas Season

We are in that special season again, a season of joy, of peace, and great tidings. A season when we celebrate the birth of Christ the king, the redeemer of mankind. What does Christmas mean to you and me? I would like to draw reference from these two quotes. "Christmas is not just a time for festivity and merry making. It is more than that; it is a time for contemplation of eternal things. The Christmas spirit is a spirit of giving and forgiving." And the other one is, "Christmas means a spirit of love a time when the love of God and the love of our fellow men should prevail over all hatred and bitterness, a time when our thoughts and deeds and the spirit of our lives manifest the presence of God."
The above quotes say it all. Christmas is not all about merry making. We must also spare time to reflect on the essence of the period which is the love of God for humanity. This unidentifiable love is summed up in the popular verse John 3:16 "For God so love the world that he gave us his only begotten son, that whoever believe in him will not perish but have an eternal life." When we ponder on God's love for us, we too are encouraged to share love with others, o embrace peace and be our brother's keeper. When we are imbued with this love of God, we will be always willing to give a helping hand to those in need, to give succour and comfort to the vulnerable ones among others. The spirit behind Christmas is that of giving and sharing.
Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Christ. A time for us to understand the lessons from Jesus and reflect on them. Jesus brought a new religion based on love and the vision of a God who is full of compassion and forgiveness, a vision of doing everything with a positive mind-set and from a place of love. 
