Sunday, November 9, 2014

Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities

                Discrimination towards women is one of the most pervasive human rights violations. It severely limits the ability of women or girls and the communities they live in.
          Gender-based discrimination is irrevocably connected to negative outcomes. We should be treated similarly. There is no difference between boys and girls. We must not put down others because we are all born equal. There is no rich and poor. There is no boundary between others. We must respect others by what and who they are. Now, we all know that women can also do the works of boys. Most of those works are intended for boys because most of those are heavy works. But women can also do it and they want to prove that women and men are equal. We must break the barrier that separates the equal rights and equal opportunities for boys and girls.
          Let us bear in our mind that we are all equal, and we have all equal rights and equal opportunities. In the eye of our God, we are all equal to Him and with this way; we will have peace in our mind and heart.

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