Tuesday, November 25, 2014

"Outpouring Hearts and Minds Through Literacy and English Proficiency"

                In our lives, English become part of our daily lives. English is also known as our universal language. It is not only about language but English have many divisions that are really helpful in our life. But the most important think about English is that we have a power to connect to one another.
          There is always a month for English and we celebrate this English Month Celebration to know the importance and role of English and also to enhance our ability, skills and knowledge towards English. What is the thing that we must remember if we do a thing to make it better? Well, we must outpour our hearts and minds so that the result will be better than you expected. We must use English language in a good way. We must not us it just for fun, for bullying and for nonsense things or matter. It’s not only about language but also in Literacy and English Proficiency. Literacy is the ability to write and read. This is very important thing in our life with this literacy we will be able to express our opinions towards a certain thing. English Proficiency, we must be proficient towards English.
          Different activities and contests are held during English Month Celebration. With these activities or contests we must join some of them. For us to find out more the role or importance of English.

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