Tuesday, September 16, 2014


               Do you know that heroes don’t always dress in a superhero suit? A hero can wear anything and they can be as simple as we are. Everyone can be a hero, not necessarily save lives but we can be heroes on our own way. But did you know that heroes are everyone? I found my heroes and they are teachers.
            When we are talking about teachers, all of us are glad to thank them especially when you’ve learned a lot of great lessons from them. But we can never regret that sometimes we hate them because they are giving us a lot of home works and projects which are so difficult for us to do, right? Well, it’s a part of being a student. We students sometimes don’t appreciate our teachers, right? Well, we couldn’t realize that teachers are great; they are really great and awesome. They teach us in all ways, guide us through different challenges. Their patience is so unbelievable, for us students even though are so naughty and act so childishly they still forgive us. They also act like our light when we we’re on darkness. They teach us very well and give us enough knowledge about things we don’t know yet. We students must love and respect our teachers, we can never regret that their part of our life already.

            In life, people may come and go, some will be remembered and some will be forgotten. But one thing I am sure of, you can never forget the persons who you can also call as your second parents, the teachers. Thank you for all my teachers for being my hero in life, who save us from any circumstances that we may step on.

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