Friday, October 17, 2014

Second Quarter

Starting all over again is not that bad because when you restart you get another chance to make things right. Chances are there not to just correct your mistakes, but to determine worth.

          Second Quarter was again ended. And for that I have learned again many new things in our different lessons. One of these subjects that I’ve gain knowledge is our ICT subject. Our lesson for this quarter is HTML Tags. We had done 11 activities in all. At first I thought it was difficult to do these activities but when I came to do it, I find it easy. I find it also interesting in doing this. We also had our posts in our Blog. For this quarter, I think I improve better with my posts. I was able to insert images to it because in the First Quarter I don’t know how to insert image in my post. Well, it is also because it’s my first time with this social website. I was able also to change the designs of my Blog. In all, I am very happy because I did my best this quarter. Next quarter is coming again…

So, when you got more opportunity to utilize your skills after one failure, you must do advance and better than before. So always have the passion for self-improvement. Try to learn new things every day.

Intramurals 2014

Intramurals exists or occurs within a particular group or organization such as a school. We celebrated our Intramurals last September 18-19. With this celebration, different booths were also provided. For you, what is the essence in celebrating the Intramurals?
            The first day of our Intramurals was held inside the Gymnasium. Before that the athletes and the representatives for each level have their parade and they went inside the Gymnasium. The parade was started for about 3:00 in the afternoon. During the opening program, some of the students performed their intermission number. They are very good in dancing and I saw that they really prepared for that. After the opening program, all of the students were allowed to go home. September 19, second day of our Intramurals. I wasn’t able to go because I attend the burial of my grandfather. It rained also in the afternoon so I wasn’t able to go again. So, this year I wasn’t able to attend the Intramurals. I asked my friend about the Intramurals and she said that some booths were provided like the marriage booth, horror booth, and movie booth. And because of the rain, it was postponed the other week. She also told me about the happenings during the Intramurals.
            Celebrating this Intramurals is important especially for us students who wants to participate in different sports you want. This will also enhance and improve your skills towards that certain sport. Not only the athletes should participate with this but all of us students must also participate to be involve in this and also to support others.