Tuesday, September 16, 2014


               Do you know that heroes don’t always dress in a superhero suit? A hero can wear anything and they can be as simple as we are. Everyone can be a hero, not necessarily save lives but we can be heroes on our own way. But did you know that heroes are everyone? I found my heroes and they are teachers.
            When we are talking about teachers, all of us are glad to thank them especially when you’ve learned a lot of great lessons from them. But we can never regret that sometimes we hate them because they are giving us a lot of home works and projects which are so difficult for us to do, right? Well, it’s a part of being a student. We students sometimes don’t appreciate our teachers, right? Well, we couldn’t realize that teachers are great; they are really great and awesome. They teach us in all ways, guide us through different challenges. Their patience is so unbelievable, for us students even though are so naughty and act so childishly they still forgive us. They also act like our light when we we’re on darkness. They teach us very well and give us enough knowledge about things we don’t know yet. We students must love and respect our teachers, we can never regret that their part of our life already.

            In life, people may come and go, some will be remembered and some will be forgotten. But one thing I am sure of, you can never forget the persons who you can also call as your second parents, the teachers. Thank you for all my teachers for being my hero in life, who save us from any circumstances that we may step on.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


           Science is a systematized body of knowledge. There were many such things that we can do about it. Since it has been exposed and it becomes a part of our life we are now used to it. However, Science almost covers everything that happens to us. Science is involved in everything.
          In our scenario, there are many problems that are affecting our health. And most likely is the pollution whi9ch are the water pollution and air pollution. The rivers, lakes, oceans, and other bodies of water are now polluted. This is because of some chemical
wastes from factories and mostly is the garbage. The air that we breathe is not totally a pure fresh air. This is also because of the factories and vehicles that bring out black and dirty smoke that is not good to our health. The burning of plastics is not also good to our health. These are just some of the problems that are causing health problems.
"Don't put off ypur healthy life"
          All of these problems are necessary to be solved as soon as possible. Let’s take a move and do the right action for these. Let’s consume our time to the most vital things. We can do simple things to lessen these problems. One of these is the utilization of our garbage through the 3R’s (reuse, reduce, & recycle). For this simple thing, contributes a lot to our health.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


"She is the best mother!"
          If you will ask anyone what they know about heroes, what would be their common answer? Some would rather answer about the heroes in the movies that they had already watched like Spiderman, Batman, Superman, and many more. These heroes have super powers or they have the ability to save people from harm or danger. For me, these are not true to life they are just fictional characters. But there is this true hero that I admire and treasure even she doesn’t have super powers she is always there for me.
            My mother is the one whom I considered a true hero. Back when I was a child, she had done a lot to me. She’s the one who carried me when I cried until I fell asleep. She always assured that I’m in a good health. Some in my elementary days, she was the one who pinned my ribbons and she was very proud to me. I said some because she was going to abroad and sometimes she had her vacation. Now, she is in Dubai as an OFW in order to support us and for us to have an education and to have a better future. I know that her work there in abroad is very hard but still she can manage it. She had done many sacrifices in order to fulfil our needs. Even though she is far from me, she is always there for me. She care and protect me in her own way. I thanked my mother for everything, for her love, care, and affection to me and for being who and what I am today. Because of my mother I become a better person.
            For me, my mother is the best mom in the whole world. No one or nobody could replace her. She is my life and everything. I thanked God for having a supportive, protective, and lovable mother. I really miss my mother and I hope she is always fine there in abroad. There are really many things that she done for me and that’s why she really deserves to be called a true hero.