Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Finally, the first quarter for this school year was done. Well, as I went through it there are so many things remarked in my mind. These are the things that I will surely treasure in my life.
          In the ten subjects that we are studying, I am sure that I have learned many things that were very useful to me especially in my daily lives, like the things that I could apply in my real life. Especially in ICT, I learned more about the Internet and another I came to know another social website which is the Blog. I was able to post my different insights in the different topics that we had. In the back of it, there are still problems or challenges that I had been encountered that truly challenge me by facing and solving these things as a part of my daily life. Well, with these problems as a student there comes a time that I want to give up but I inspire myself that it’s only a challenge for me to pursue more and improve for the better.

          Moving on, I will do my best to study hard and improve my works as a student. I will apply all my learning that I had gained in the First Quarter for the next quarters to come.