Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Nutrition is our Weapon

              In my high school life, here comes again the month of July which is the Nutrition Month celebration. Definitely, it is my last time to celebrate this in high school because I will be graduating soon. I really love joining in the Nutri-Jingle because it is composed of singing and dancing. Even though I’m not that good, I’m still happy and enjoying participating in this competition. Well, what do you think why we are celebrating this Nutrition Month?
             Nutrition Month is celebrated every year in the month of July. Nutrition plays a very important role in our lives, it could help to extend or decrease our life span. With our potential to live longer than ever before comes the urgent to monitor and adjust the amount and types of food that we ingest into our bodies. Proper nutrition in our early years will not only lead to a learned commitment but will also lead to a lifetime habit toward a healthy extended life. It is very important to us especially in our health. With proper nutrition, we may be able to prevent sickness, illness and we may be able to save ourselves and others during calamities. They are launching this Nutrition Month in order for us to know further about our health through the different events or activities held during this Nutrition Month. Nutritious foods are better in our body and more delicious to eat.
        However, the theme for this month is “Kalamidad Paghandaan, Gutom at Malnutrisyon Agapan.” Based on the  theme it is very important to end malnutrition for us to be always ready and alert in any calamities that we may encounter. Together we can face any calamities healthy, united, and interdependent.

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